The Region

The Region

A varied geography between the St. Lawrence and the Appalachians

From the foothills of the Appalachians to the St. Lawrence plains, the Centre-du-Quebec region covers 6910 km2.

The region extends:

  • to the St. Lawrence river to the north.
  • to the boundaries of the Montérégie region to the west.
  • to the Chaudière-Appalaches region to the east.
  • to the border of the Eastern Townships and Chaudière-Appalaches regions to the south.
  • The region - Laviolette bridge
  • The region - The Appalachian foothills

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Learn more about the others regions of Quebec

Quebec has 22 tourist regions, each of which presents a unique facet of the province from a geographical, historical and cultural perspective. New settlements or ancient fiefs, seaports or forest estates, these regions welcome you with open arms and unflagging heartiness and enthusiasm! No matter what regions you choose to visit, you can't go wrong!

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